I found a graphic that I liked at the Graphic Fairy website. I bet if your reading this blog, you are familiar with that site. It's just full of wonderful graphics that the blog owner, Karen, offers for free! I made a transparency of that graphic and then used a projector to project it onto the front of the dresser. From there I just traced over the lines. I used acrylic black paint and two artist brushes. I used a large liner brush and a flat shader brush. Believe me, there were times I had to improvise on the lines. The hardest part was getting the lines to look right over the uneven molding on the sides and the handles. It took several hours of painting to get the design completed.
Here is the image partially completed:
Yep, she's bald at this point. LOL
Finally, she has hair.
The chest of drawers isn't quite finished yet. I'm letting the paint dry overnight and then I'll put a polycrylic sealer over the paint for protection. I might paint the inside of the drawers too. I'll just have to see how energetic I'm feeling. This will be headed to my booth at Le Fou Flea for the February First Friday Sales, Feb. 7 - 9 in Kansas City.