You can see that the hardwood floor has already been installed and I'm just getting ready to strip that lovely wallpaper.
I painted the walls a lovely yellow color, used a very old dresser as a vanity, and used accessories that were purchased at estate and garage sales, or I already had around the house.
Welcome to the bathroom, here's the view as you are coming in the door. Kind of a modernistic painting for a more traditional bathroom, but I like to mix styles .... and I painted this myself several years back. It just seems to fit here, I love the colors! That's the beauty in painting your own stuff, you can make it whatever colors you please!
I really like the way the old dresser fit almost perfectly into the bathroom. There's quite a story behind this dresser, but I'll try to be brief. The dresser was advertised on a local online For Sale site; I went to see it and boy was it in rough shape. It was in pieces and filthy. Well, I bought it anyway because I could see the beauty in it, and it was a good price. I brought it home, cleaned it up and put it back together. I then painted the bottom portion and redid the top, leaving it wood grain. I took it into the store where I was selling vintage items. I put what I thought was a reasonable price on it. And it sat there without selling. I moved to another store, same story. Oh, people stopped and asked questions about the dresser, and admired it but nobody would buy it. Meanwhile, back at my own house, I was starting the bathroom remodel. It hit me.... that dresser was just waiting for ME to give it a home! So I did. I repainted it, keeping the top natural wood, hired a carpenter to adapt it so that the plumbing would fit behind. And VOILA.... I love it! Oh, the vessel sink is from and my husband thinks it's just the weirdest thing, as he can't imagine why anybody would want a #1 - patterned sink, and #2 - a sink that sits on TOP of the vanity. Oh well, he's a man, I don't need to say more. The mirror I already had hanging elsewhere in the house and I just painted the frame and hung it here. The light fixture above the mirror is the same one I had but I took it down, painted it too, and hung it back up turning it upright where before it pointed down.
I sure had fun with the accessories in the bathroom. The little white cabinet with the drawers hanging to the left of the sink was purchased at an estate sale. The lady said it was hand made by her grandfather or great grandfather. It was in the kitchen at the estate sale and it was a very primitive looking spice rack. I painted it as the color of the wood was too orange for my liking. I painted some old sewing drawers white too and hung them behind the toilet for display. Some of the birds I'm using as décor I had been given as gifts, other I either bought on sale or used.
Well, thanks for taking the time to read through (or maybe just look at the pictures) in this lengthy post. Come back and visit me again!